MBI opened the first Uganda school in Mukono, a suburb of Kampala, which is the capital of Uganda with the second-year class of the Manna Bible Institute Uganda (MBIU). During this week, they were joined by several excellent instructors from Manna Bible Institute Kenya, who are teaching the biblical courses each morning via the Zoom platform. In the afternoon, Rosewood Apostolic Center professors shared with the students on topics related to end time theology with an instructor from the US on Zoom, and then transformation maturing ministry and the rising apostolic church establishing kingdom ministry live for the remaining courses each day.
It was a great blessing to be able to physically interact with these students during this week, as MBI was only able to share with them via Zoom during the last cycle of training. Those who are part of this continuing program are truly called and anointed by God to bring the message and mandate that God has given me to this nation and the continent of Africa.

On the Sunday morning following this week, they attended a worship service with a community of believers God will use as a living model for the reformation of the house church movement that existed in the early Christian community. It is this movement that will transform the Body of Christ in Uganda and spread to the African continent and the world.
For the second week of this month, I continued the Intensive Training program for the future Apostolic Center team. This training is both informational and transformational and involves both living and studying together. This is necessary as this Apostolic Center will need to be a living, visible and practical expression of kingdom ministry in the months and years ahead.

The members of the Apostolic Center team have been chosen and appointed by God for this mission, as they are ideally suited and gifted for this task. It is a joy to be with them and to be called to prepare them for this awesome work of God, who is restoring kingdom ministry in this season.

At the close of this week, I went out for a special meal with my Uganda family. Yum!

This has been an amazing journey so far! Thank you all for your prayers and support. Stay tuned for the next installment coming in two weeks. To God be the Glory!

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