Manna Bible Institute (MBI) is an interdenominational Bible College, training pastors, evangelists, chaplains, missionaries, Sunday school teachers, counsellors and lay persons who have a call for ministry.

MBI is a Division of Manna College which is registered in Kenya as a Technical and Vocational College (TVC) by Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA).
We train leaders to know the word of God and follow the spirit in serving the Church of Jesus Christ worldwide.

2 Timothy 2:15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
Our resident courses are scheduled in a flexible manner in such a way that you can study while continuing with ministry. Classes begin on the first Monday of every month.
We also have distance and online classes for those unable to attend residential classes. Distance classes through our satellite centers happen one Saturday in a month.

Kigumo Campus (Murang'a) Campus
Started in Nairobi, Kenya in 1986
Welcome to Manna Bible Institute, an interdenominational Bible College based in Nairobi Kenya since 1986. We are also registered with the Ministry of Education in Kenya, and in Florida as Manna International Bible Institute to offer degree programs in religious related programs. .

MBI has been training pastors, evangelists, counselors, chaplains, Sunday school teachers and many other leaders, and people who have a passion for academic and biblical excellence.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV).
Programs Offered include:

  • Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Bible & Theology
  • Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Biblical Counselling
  • Diploma in Christian Ministry (Examined by TVET CDACC)
  • Diploma in Evangelism
  • Diploma in Chaplaincy
  • Diploma in Children Workers
  • Diploma in Counseling Psychology (Examined by TVET CDACC)
  • Degree in Practical Ministry (through Manna International Bible Institute)

I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for taking your time to visit Manna website.

I take this opportunity to welcome you to Manna Bible Institute & School of Missions. We are an interdenominational Institution of Higher Learning that trains pastors, clergies and lay persons who have a call for ministry.

At Manna, we have qualified lecturers from different parts of the world, a conducive learning environment for residential students, and we also have an e-learning platform for those who desire to study from any location. We also offer distance learning through correspondence.

We thank God who has been gracious to us since the institution was established in 1986 in the current campus; and we have trained pastors from many Eastern Africa region countries. With the current e-learning platform/Online Campus, we aspire to train people from all over the world.

At manna we shall give you holistic training to help you grow as a person and in ministry. Our training blends both theory classes and field practicums. Our Alumni serve in different parts of the world as Pastors, Counselors, Chaplains, Social Workers, Trainers and in various other capacities.

We are a dynamic institution and we review and introduce new programs with the changing times. Other programs which we have introduced besides Bible and Theology include: Chaplaincy, Missions, Evangelism, Children Ministry and Biblical Counseling.

Other programs we look forward to introducing soon include: B.A in Theological Studies, Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), Computer Studies, Sign Language and Practical Music besides others.

We are also coming up with Manna 24/7 Prayer and recreation centre.
I welcome you to consider studying with us, supporting us and recommending us.
May the Lord bless you.

Servant of the Lord Jesus with no rights of my own,
Bishop (Dr). George Muguro
Manna Bible Institute.

Bishop (Dr.) George Muguro
Manna Bible Institute
Manna Bible Institute Satellite Campuses (Bible & Theology)
  • Kigumo – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month
  • Isinya – – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month
  • Ngando – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month
  • Olchorro Eloppo – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month
  • Uplands: – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month
  • Kiria-ini – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month
  • Kaharati – Dates: 2nd Week of the Month (Diploma)
  • Kaharati – Dates: 3rd Week of the Month (Certificate)
  • Meru(Mulika) – Dates: 3rd Week of the Month
  • Kajiado – Dates: 3rd Week of the Month
  • Taita Taveta – Dates: 3rd Week of the Month
  • Matasia – Dates: 4th Week of the Month
  • Rongai B – Dates: 4th Week of the Month
  • Kaharati – Dates: 4th Week of the Month (Diploma)
  • Mpeketoni
  • Mai Mahiu (Karima)
  • Mangu (Kamwangi)
  • Homabay Center
  • Sultan Hamud
  • Rabai
  • Magumu
Manna trains pastors from all denominations who have a true calling to serve the Lord Jesus. Manna has trained over 5000 pastors and Church leaders.
Those interested in establishing Bible Schools/Centers in partnership with Manna Bible Institute to contact us at:

Email: info@mannabibleinstitute.org

Frequently Asked Questions About Manna Bible Institute:

About Manna Bible Institute (MBI)

Manna Bible Institute is a Division of Manna College which is registered in Kenya as a Technical and Vocational College (TVC) by Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA).
MBI trains interdenominational pastors, chaplains, counselors, sunday school workers, clergy and lay persons who have a calling for ministry.

When was Manna Bible Institute Started?

MBI was established in 1986.

Who can train at Manna Bible Institute?

MB is open to people who desire holistic and Bible based training.
MBI has trained pastors, leaders and students from various denominations and nations including Kenya,Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan and Zanzibar.
We offer holistic non biased training, building leaders for the whole body of Christ and the world.

What is the Mission of Manna Bible Institute?

  • To develop future pastors and church leaders for the Nations.
  • To train leaders to know the Word and to follow the Spirit in serving the Church of Jesus Christ world wide.

Which Courses are offered at Manna Bible Institute?


  • Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Bible & Theology
  • Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Biblical Counselling
  • Certificate & Diploma in Children Workers
Starting soon: BA in Practical Ministry by Manna International Bible Institute, in Deland Florida.


Certificate & Diploma in Chaplaincy


For those who want to specialize in Hospice Chaplaincy (Palliative Care)


Certificate & Diploma in Missions
Certificate & Diploma in Evangelism


Examined by TVET CDACC


Examined by TVET CDACC


  • Computer Applications
  • Integrating ministry with ICT

  • Detergents & Cosmetics
  • Training of Trainers
  • Drugs/Substance Abuse
  • Music – Practical training on Keyboard, Guitar & Drum-sets skills.
  • Church Planting
  • Research and Writing
When do programs begin?

Our residential courses are scheduled in a flexible manner in such a way that you can study while continuing with ministry. Classes begin on the first Monday of every month.

Other modes of study include: E-Learning through our MBI Online Campus, and Distance Learning through correspondence and Satellite centers. This allows you to study from any location, at your own pace.

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