Since there were several church-related events in the region and nation during this week, several members of the class were unable to attend part or all of the training. They will receive the instructors' notes and will need to share with those who did attend to clarify any questions they may have before their next week of classes so they will be prepared to continue with the program.
Finally, I was able to celebrate a special birthday with a member of my host family here in Uganda in this week! I am so blessed to be sharing life with these spirit-filled godly people, and I praise God for how perfectly He has arranged for my mission here.

Last week was the fourth week of the Intensive Training Program. It was the first time that the Apostolic Center team participated in leading group exercises and ministering healing to each other. I am so grateful to God for His choice of this team and how He has enabled them to grasp and operate in the transformation ministry in such a short time.
The course work during this week included the beginning of trauma training, and the team shared many examples from the history and culture of Uganda that revealed the great need for healing from extreme trauma. They expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to be healed personally and to learn how to bring healing of trauma to others as they activate Kairos Apostolic International (KAI).

I also had the privilege of visiting the home of a member of the extended family of the KAI team at the close of this week. I have felt so welcome and cared for by all those that I have encountered on this journey, and now as I enter my last month here, I know that I will miss them all.

I thank God daily for the privilege of being used to bring this message to this nation. I am also grateful for your prayers and support without which this would not be possible. I will share with you all again in two weeks.
To God be the Glory!

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