The MIBI Apostolic Center located in Komabago, Uganda
I have now completed the month of February. In the third week of this month, I met with and taught classes for very enthusiastic first-year students of the Manna Bible Institute Uganda (MBIU) at the Komamboga site. It was their first exposure to my God-given mandate to bring the transformation maturing message and the apostolic kingdom mission to Africa. I found them very receptive to the training, and despite some Internet outages and other challenges, I praise God for a very successful week!
Also, I was blessed to meet with several students who sought and received personal healing for issues that have plagued them their whole life. I thank God daily for the privilege of being used by Him to bring His freedom to others and to this part of the world.
Some students, who live at a distance and so are staying at the training site for the week, joined us for the family evening meal and remained during the daily evening worship and prayer. These times are very special and anointed, as well as joyful occasions for all.

This last week was the third segment of the Intensive Training Program in which I am preparing the leaders of the Apostolic Center that God is establishing in Uganda. This was a very significant week in this process for several reasons.
First, I was blessed to have completed half of the Intensive Program that was planned for this trip, and the team received not only information but significant personal healing and transformation. I give thanks and praise to God for all that has been accomplished so far in preparing these leaders for their roles in the Apostolic Center here.

Also, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the team began to develop a strategy for the reforming of the present church structures into the apostolic kingdom model that operated so powerfully in early Christianity and how to extend this into the rural areas of Uganda.

Finally, God revealed to us the name and mission that He wanted for the future Apostolic Center. I am so pleased to be able to know what to call my younger brother now! He is to be called Kai, which is the short form of the word Kairos. The name Kai comes from several cultural traditions, which expresses the international mission of this center and has several meanings including "warrior" and "keeper of the keys." The center here will be known as Kairos Apostolic International (KAI). The Greek word "Kairos" means the right, critical or opportune moment. We believe that this center is being established by God precisely now 'for such a time as this' when God will move with great power on the earth through kingdom ministries such as this one.
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